Saturday, January 2, 2010

Premier Unit Flags 1

(Translation continues):

The premium and most directed units in the armed forces of Herrschaden are the Liebgarde Kuirassier and Liebregt Sturminfanterieabteilung. Unlike such similar formations in non-directed military forces, these units are rarely 'husbanded' or 'reserved' to issue a so-called 'coup-de-main'. Such thought is not part of the process in the mind of a Herrschaden Direktor. These assets are used first and foremost and with utter disdain for any such weaknesses in calculation, such as casualities.

The above image on the left shows the front and on the right, the rear, of the vexillum style banner carried by the Liebgarde Kuirassier regiment. The vexillum field shows the unit detail colour - white. They well and truly earn their title motto 'EISEN-SCHUTZ': encased in iron and riding the heaviest and finest cavalry mounts from Herrschaden, they are a greatly feared shock-cavalry formation - they are the IRON PROTECTION of the Direktorat.

The image shown below left is the battalion flag carried by the Shock-Infantry Life Regiment.
They take the motto 'FUR DAS LEBEN' (FOR LIFE) quite literally, to the grave. The image on the right shows this units national-regimental colour. Note that as with all Herrschaden infantry formations, the unit flag is carried on the left of facing, whilst the national-regimental is carried on the right of facing. The field of the unit flag shows the units detail (or trim/facing) colour, which is also duplicated on the scroll on one side of the national-regimental colour, in this case, like the Liebgarde, white.


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